Coastal Blog


Written by Surfrider Foundation | Jul 30, 2007 7:00:00 AM

The Salva Tres Palmas campaign in Rincon, Puerto Rico was key in establishing the Reserva Marina Tres Palmas designed to protect some of the healthiest Elkhorn Coral in US territorial waters and the Caribbean’s classic big wave surf spot called Tres Palmas.

Sadly, there is a Rinconvenient Truth….

A proposed bike path threatens to destroy many of the coastal resources adjacent to the Reserva Marina Tres Palmas and other beaches in Rincon. Seawalls, gabions, concrete and pavement will harm beaches, threaten endangered species and reduce beach access.

You’d think the planners could learn from the mess at Surfer’s Point in Ventura and the fortunate truth of a bad idea gone good in San Clemente.

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