Coastal Blog

Portland Bag Ban Takes Effect - Bring Your Bag!

Written by Surfrider Foundation | Oct 18, 2011 7:00:00 AM

This past weekend the much publicized plastic carryout bag ban took effect in Portland, Oregon.  After the state legislature failed to act on a statewide bag bill, Sam Adams and the Portland City Council acted quickly to establish a local ordinance they have been working on for years.  The Surfrider Foundation Portland Chapter has been working on the issue for years also and was happy to partner with the City and retailers to remind everyone to bring their reusable bags instead of simply switching to paper bags - which can have their own negative impacts. 

For years the battle cry was 'Ban The Bag' with a striking logo that most locals recognize.  It's been softened up a little bit and is a much cheerier 'Bring Your Bag' logo and campaign right now.  Check out this tv coverage with the mayor and Bring Your Bag reminders during 'Bring Your Bag Outreach Week'...