Coastal Blog

Top Ten Ways to Rise Above Plastics!

Written by Surfrider Foundation | Sep 15, 2011 7:00:00 AM

Has the world gone plastic?  It may seem that way sometimes but it's easy to reduce your impact.  I'm typing on plastic keys right now and my 15 year stereo has some plastic parts so I'm not going to say all plastics are evil.  But some are.  As the oceans are turning into a plastic soup we need to look at our plastic footprint and avoid anything that makes you think single-use, single-serving, disposable or unnecessary.

Here are ten easy things you can do to reduce your 'plastic footprint' and help keep plastics out of the marine environment:

  1. Choose to reuse when it comes to shopping bags and bottled water.  Cloth bags and metal or glass reusable bottles are available locally at great prices.
  2. Refuse single-serving packaging, excess packaging, straws and other 'disposable' plastics.  Carry reusable utensils in your purse, backpack or car to use at bbq's, potlucks or take-out restaurants.
  3. Reduce everyday plastics such as sandwich bags and juice cartons by replacing them with a reusable lunch bag/box that includes a thermos.
  4. Bring your to-go mug with you to the coffee shop, smoothie shop or restaurants that let you use them.  A great wat to reduce lids, plastic cups and/or plastic-lined cups.
  5. Go digital!  No need for plastic cds, dvds and jewel cases when you can buy your music and videos online.
  6. Seek out alternatives to the plastic items that you rely on.
  7. Recycle.  If you must use plastic, try to choose #1 (PETE) or #2 (HDPE), which are the most commonly recycled plastics.  Avoid plastic bags and polystyrene foam as both typically have very low recycling rates.
  8. Volunteer at a beach cleanup.  Surfrider Foundation Chapters often hold cleanups monthly or more frequently.
  9. Support plastic bag bans, polystyrene foam bans and bottle recycling bills.
  10. Spread the word.  Talk to your family and friends about why it is important to Rise Above Plastics!