Coastal Blog

YES on 67 Final Countdown!

Written by Bill Hickman | Nov 2, 2016 7:00:00 AM

Californians, have you voted YES on Proposition 67 yet? Election Day is less than a week away and vote by mail has been underway for weeks so many people have already cast their ballots. Surfrider and our chapter network are still working hard to encourage people to vote YES on 67 for a statewide plastic checkout bag ban.

Surfrider Chapters from San Diego to Humboldt handed out free reusable bags on October 20th as part of Reusable Bag Day. Volunteers have also called over 3000 registered voters as part of their efforts - including the group in the photo above. In addition to our grassroots efforts, it’s great to see celebrities get involved in the YES on 67 campaign. Check out all of there great videos from our friends at the Plastic Pollution Coalition:

Loudon Wainwright III
Ed Begley Jr
Jeff Bridges
Alfre Woodard
Tim Robbins
Sergio Arau (en Espanol)
Benecio del Toro
Fran Drescher