Coastal Blog

Why Now is the Perfect Time to Support Our Not the Answer Campaign

Written by Surfrider Foundation | Nov 2, 2015 8:00:00 AM

Our federal government is currently working on its environmental impact statement for potential offshore drilling in the Atlantic (due to issue a draft in Spring 2016).  If you recreate along the coast, have a business there, or live nearby, right now is the perfect time to tell the feds why offshore drilling will undermine our coastal communities, economies, and way of life.  Surfrider’s Not the Answer Campaign is in full swing for that very purpose and there are a number of ways you can have your voice be heard:

Share Our Sign-the-Surfboard Campaign on Social Media.  Surfrider’s sign-the-surfboard campaign is collecting signatures along the Atlantic from coastal businesses on a beautiful Firewire surfboard to tell our federal decision-makers that offshore drilling in the Atlantic is Not the Answer.  The surfboard is scheduled to arrive in Washington DC by February, where it will be presented to White House officials to demonstrate the coastal industry’s opposition to offshore drilling.  Follow the board and share our story @Surfrider by using the hashtag #NotTheAnswer and #signtheboard.

Attend Our Coastal Recreation Lobby Event in DC.  Surfrider is organizing a coastal recreation industry lobby event with our coalition partners for February 11-12th in Washington DC.  This will include meetings with congressional offices on Capitol Hill, a rally near the Capitol and an evening celebration hosted by Surfrider’s DC Chapter.  We hope that you can join us to spread the message about offshore drilling!  If you would like to reserve a spot at the lobby day, please email or Ocean Policy Outreach Coordinator, Joanna Malaczynski (  

Watch and Share Our Cool Offshore Drilling Film.  We created this amazing film with our North Carolina chapters to highlight the potential impacts of drilling to our recreation and tourism economies.  Learn more about the impacts of drilling on the Atlantic coast by watching the film; help spread the word and share with others!  

If you have a Coastal Business, Add Your Name to Our Business Sign-On Letter.  We are circulating electronically a business sign-on letter so that coastal recreation businesses can express their opposition to new offshore drilling.  We now have nearly 200 signatures and want to encourage you to please share the business sign-on link with others!  The more businesses that sign on, the more pressure will be put on the Obama Administration to cancel plans for offshore drilling.

Donate to Our Campaign.  Surfrider’s Not the Answer campaign has created significant momentum within the coastal recreation industry in opposition of proposed plans to drill in the Atlantic.  We need your help to make this campaign a continued success.  Your donation will help us be at the right place at the right time to put an end to offshore drilling plans in the Atlantic.  Click here to donate to our campaign.