To convince the City of San Francisco to drop their lawsuit against the EPA and instead reduce sewage overflows.
Surfrider Foundation San Francisco has joined a growing coalition of nearly 50 environmental organizations and community groups to urge the City of San Francisco to drop their lawsuit against the EPA. Instead, they are calling for the City to start making plans to meet their Clean Water Act permits and reduce the amount of pollution that is released into the Pacific Ocean and the San Francisco Bay from combined sewer overflows.
The 9th Circuit court upheld the EPA’s final decision for the City’s NPDES permit issued under the Clean Water Act, but San Francisco has appealed this decision to the U.S. Supreme Court. This not only threatens local coastal ecosystems and community health but also puts at risk the EPA’s authority to enforce the Clean Water Act nationwide. In fact, California and 13 other states have filed amicus briefs in support of the EPA because of the far reaching and destructive implications this lawsuit could have for Clean Water Act protections.
The Chapter and its coalition partners are urging the City of San Francisco to accept their obligations under the Clean Water Act to protect local water quality conditions and to update their long-term plan to reduce combined sewage overflows into San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. Don’t side with polluting industries that want to cripple EPA’s ability to protect clean water and safe communities.