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Pass Extended Producer Responsibility in Washington - EPR NOW!

Pass Extended Producer Responsibility in Washington - EPR NOW!

Reduce the amount of waste entering our ocean by improving and expanding access to recycling infrastructure by passing statewide Extended Producer Responsibility legislation

Passing the Washington Recycling Reform Act (WRRA) - formerly the WRAP Act - would reduce the amount plastic pollution found on our beaches and improve access to recycling across Washington in a number of ways:

  • Require producers of packaging to pay for recycling services in Washington 
  • Establish recycling and reuse targets for producers and set transparency requirements for responsible recycling 
  • Expand recycling services to all households that have curbside garbage collection 
  • Create a standardized list of what is recyclable statewide, eliminating confusion and reducing waste stream contamination 
  • Incentivize design changes to reduce unnecessary packaging and opt for more sustainable/reusable materials 
  • Possibly create a beverage deposit system, allowing consumers to return bottles and cans at for 10 cents
  • Implement truth in labeling, banning deceptive claims about the recyclability of products
  • Update recycled content requirements, which will increase demand for recycled products 

For more information, check out our EPR Factsheet.

Surfrider Washington will work with our partners in the Plastic Free WA / WA Sin Plástico Coalition to pass this important bill during the 2025 legislative session.