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03 • 03 • 2015

Oppose Offshore Oil Drilling in Hermosa Beach

E&B Oil proposed to conduct offshore and onshore oil drilling in Hermosa Beach. The issue was decided in March 2015, when Hermosa Beach voters soundly rejected the oil company’s bid to install land-based “slant wells” to drill for oil off of Hermosa's coast. Final results showed 78.9 percent of voters —a more than 3-to-1 margin —had turned thumbs down on Measure O. Surfrider Foundation's South Bay Chapter was a leader in the fight against the proposal. They participated in an Environmental Impacts Foum a month before the election and, together with Heal the Bay, ran a series of six newspaper ads in the two most read local weekly newspapers, the Easy Reader and The Beach Reporter, and delivered postcards directly to registered Hermosa Beach voters.  More.