Photo: Branden Aroyan |
The fact that Yvon starts his Op-Ed by saying his has a business policy that allows employees to “sneak in a surf when there is a swell”, melted Surfrider’s collective heart.
But it’s not “just cool” that he created this policy….the logic behind the policy is even “cooler”. He knows that if his employees surf, hit the slopes, hike, etc—engage nature—they will be better environmental stewards.
This article is very powerful to those of us at the Surfrider Foundation who have been working on the MLPA. We spent nearly 2 years working with diverse ocean users to find a successful way to implement the MLPA.
Here is one of my favorite quotes from Yvon:
”...the fishery management tools we have cannot restore the size and diversity of species that existed just a few decades ago. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), however, have proven to be an effective tool for restoring this balance and improving overall ocean health.”
Surfrider knows there are many tools that can help restore our ocean, but MPAs represent a unique tool that
rebuilds our ocean on a fundamental level.
Finally, we are stoked about Yvon’s piece because he encourages people to
attend the MLPA hearing on Dec 15 (more info about hearing in the blog below).
Read his piece here.