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Choose Planet Not Plastics Postcard


Surfrider Mobilizes Student Network to Support the Global Plastics Treaty

To mobilize youth voices from around the United States and Puerto Rico, 54 Surfrider Student Clubs at the high school and college level have collectively mailed more than 2,000 physical postcards to the White House, calling on President Biden and the State Department to commit to a strong Global Plastics Treaty. The Global Plastics Treaty is a historic international legally binding agreement that seeks to prevent the harms done by single-use plastic production, use, and waste. 

The postcards included a pre-written message in addition to an open space for club members to add a personal statement as to why supporting the treaty is important to them. They were mailed to the White House throughout March and April, in order to arrive in time for Earth Day and the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC-4). 

Kempsville High School Surfrider Club Kempsville High School Surfrider Club, Virginia 

Some of the student’s personal statements are highlighted below, which were prompted by the phrase “Supporting a Strong Global Plastics Treaty is important to me because…

”Everyone should get to enjoy an environment free from plastic, and it’s not fair to the Earth that we harm it with our plastics.” – Faye, Cape Fear Academy, NC

“I love the ocean, and I want to keep plastic out of it.” – Avery, Pepperdine University, CA

“Growing up in a coastal region, surrounded by plastic pollution that is continuously growing, destroys the natural community I call home.” – Reilly, Kempsville High School, VA

“So many individuals in all communities are experiencing the consequences of poor health outcomes, and as a result affecting how we live our everyday lives.” – Ava, Loyola Marymount University, CA

IMG_4460Completed postcards from the Cape Henlopen High School Surfrider Club, Delaware

Surfrider’s Student Club Network has seen a major increase in young people who want to be involved in environmental policy and advocacy so that they can have a say in the decision-making process. Students bring valuable perspectives, insight, and energy, so it’s important to create opportunities for them to engage in this work on a larger scale.

Surfrider's Plastic Pollution Initiative and Student Club Network staff, along with club and chapter activists, have joined our colleagues in Surfrider Canada at INC-4 in Ottawa, April 23 through 29. Find out more about how we've been engaging on efforts to influence Global #PlasticsTreaty negotiations here and donate to support our work here!